Following the USA as it makes its way through the World Cup, and some backpacking along the way.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Stop-over in Breclav

I'm on my way now from Krakow to Budapest by train and I have a four hour layover in a town called Breclav in the Czech Republic. I had some extra Czech money when I went to Poland and kept in my wallet and I'm glad I did so I could drop off my bags and wander around. The town would definately not win any urban award designs (im guessing it was bombed in WWII) but i made it to the center of the town and a cafe had a huge "Wi Fi" sign in the window.
So I went it and talked to the bartender who didn't speak english but i made the international signal for working on a computer and I sat down orderd a beer and checked my email.

Man I can't believe how wired it is over here!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard to beleive you were just shooting around Newport only weeks ago. Look forward to reading more. Have a beer for me. Sounds like you are on your way on an interesting journey!-Don

11:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard to beleive you were just shooting around Newport only weeks ago. Look forward to reading more. Have a beer for me. Sounds like you are on your way on an interesting journey!-Don

11:59 PM


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