Following the USA as it makes its way through the World Cup, and some backpacking along the way.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Budapest Revisited

Well I'll be leaving in a few hours but I enjoyed my three days here in Budapest.

The unfortunate part is that only being here a few days I just get a taste of the place, when you know there is a lot more to see.

No Turkish Baths for me, didn't really see much of the tourist sights, but I found the people cool and the city more than ready to join up with Western Europe.

I did get a chance to wander around and found myself in a huge park in Pest that was having a kiddy carnival. As I continued I happened upon a wedding party.

The bride and groom had just been married and were parading through the park with their whole wedding party following behind them on the way to the reception, with a trio of accordion players providing the background music. After photographing weddings its always fun to see something different, and what a better way to start your marriage then to strut around and let everyone see you on your big day.

I made my way back to the hostel via walking up a huge hill just off the Duna river in Buda (Buda is the part of the city west of the river, Pest is the city east of the river) and it was worth it with an awesome view that my photo can't even really begin to show.And then it was time to get ready to head out. I meet a couple of cool people at the hostel and we were planning on checking out the nightlife. The place they were going to go was a large outdoor club on a island in the Duna river. It wasn't exactly what I wanted to do so I checked out a few places on my own first and said I would meet them later.
So I went to a drumb and bass, techno and house club but they were all dead. So I made it back to the outdoor club place. The music wasn't that much but I ended up talking to random people for the rest of the night and enjoying it all in all.

I'm taking the night train tonight for Sarajevo. Not sure what to expect there but I have always wanted to see the city. Till then!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kiddo,

Am enjoying your commentary and pics from your journey. Looking forward to your impressions of Sarajevo.


7:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! It's the Croatian girl from the train!! I was just wondering how it was Sarajevo and Dubrovnik. Did you try the dish I recommended?
I hope the weather was not as bad as here, and that you made some great pictures:)

5:43 PM

Blogger Douglas Zimmerman said...

Hey Julijana,

Yes I tried the dish and the weather was better until tonight when its raining like crazy. Thanks for the tip!

10:36 PM


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