Following the USA as it makes its way through the World Cup, and some backpacking along the way.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts and Memories from Backpacking around Eastern Europe

- I can’t believe there are still Yugo’s running!

- Its weird when you have a conversation with someone who speaks a different language, but you still completely understand each other.

- Why can I only find flavored or fizzy water in Budapest? And why does fizzy water have a blue cap on the bottle in Hungary and a green cap for flat water, while in Bosnia it’s the exact opposite?

- Why is there so much grafitti in all of the cities of Eastern Europe? (and some of it is quite good)

- Does everyone eat ice cream during the summer in Eastern Europe?

- Listening to Hotel California play from a souvenier stand while on top of Cathedral Hill in Budapest.

- Hearing James Brown “It’s a Man’s World” over the radio when leaving Sarajevo

- Hearing Madonna’s “Holiday” when entering Dubrovnik

- Turing the music off at café’s in Sarajevo during the Muslim call to prayer at sunset.

- Is there an Apple Computer store in every country I visit?

- Why are people in America fatter than people in Europe?

- There is a lot of business conducted in the hotel lobbies of the world

- Soda with sugar tastes betten than soda with high fructose corn syrup.

- And I can’t wait till the World Cup stars as well! Less than a week!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kiddo,

We're jealous of your trip, it sounded great. You've given us some free advice on where to travel.

Take Care,

11:00 PM


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