Following the USA as it makes its way through the World Cup, and some backpacking along the way.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Travel Day

Today I made it back from Cologne to Erfurt. On the way I transferred in Frankfurt and was able to get some photographs of Zack Phillips, a.k.a. Mr. Soccer Head who shaved the head of this Canadian fan into a soccer ball like his own. It was a lot of fun and attracted a lot of attention from people outside the main train station. In Frankfurt. I spent a couple of hours there as well first trying to get tickets for the Togo-South Korea game. The tickets were going for around 200 Euros each so I decided that that was too much for me and I ended up watching the match and the France-Switzerland match at a friendly Irish bar right outside of the Frankfurt train station. And then it was back to Erfurt.


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